Saturday, November 12, 2011

Repotting into a hanging basket

I've been repotting a few at at a time. I don't worry about the time of year, if they look potbound then it is time to move up. Of course, if your plant is in bud or bloom then wait until after the show is over. This plant was started from a cutting two years ago. It was slow to get started, but now is getting MONSTROUSLY huge for it's little 3" pot. Let's move it up!
Select a bigger pot. I've found that epies will expand to fit the pot you put them in, particularly when they have such a thick root ball as this plant does. So not too small, or you will have to repot again really soon. If you select a BIG pot, you'll have a HUGE plant in no time. That's not always good! I don't have space for big plants so I don't like to use bigger than an 8" pot. This plant has some scale insects noted just above the soil line, so I will also treat with a systemic insecticide. If you do use an insecticide then remember to put the plant somewhere out of the reach of small children and pets. Place plant in new pot, get your favorite potting mixture, tamp it around the root ball, include a tag with the name of the plant, add a hanger et VOILA ready to hang, grow and hopefully bloom next spring. Pretty simple! Potting up is easy, the tough job is getting the cutting established and growing. I'll do a post on that someday soon.

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