Tuesday, September 7, 2010

September ESA meeting and auction

A nice auction today...I was able to get cuttings of Fern LaBorde, Brown Bear, Smarty Pants, Crystal Flash, Knebel's Liebling, and Heureka (also a Knebel hybrid). Also got a plant called "Appasionata" which is an old Fort and O'Barr hybrid. Here's the auction tables being set up.

We had a panel explain hybridizing; the panel was composed of Evelyn Shiraki, Galen Pittman and Mark Piette. President Loretta Garcia in the background:

This lovely flower blooming off-season is 'Alice Emmons'

'Orange Icing'
'Fringe of Gold' with 'Orange Icing' in the background

And there was fruit to taste....but I brought it home for the seeds. Will plant and see what happens!

1 comment:

  1. Apologies for the awkward way of going about this but if it's possible I would very much like to get in contact with Galen Pittman.

    Kim Kaiser (luna@lunariad.com)

    Thank you.
