Didn't get much chance to take photos but did get just a few.


Blooms from my No ID oldie plant that is so thorny I real;y don't like to mess with it. Even has thorns on the flower tube.I "THINK" it may be an old variety called "Inca" but I'm not positive.

I have to 'fess up, "Three of a Kind" is my favorite show category. Here is my 'Three Oranges' entry (oh I thought I was so clever with this one LOL) and then we have 'Maharanee' in a basket; Flirtation in a box, and Sparkle in bottles, which is just too cute. The latter two got placements. Then there was Don Burnett's 'Yellow Tang' and 'Alpine White'; and Evelyn's entry on the juniper spray. Also Loretta Garcia's pink trio.

The San Diego Society display, then my photo display and Jim's educational display.